Sunday, July 31, 2011

Results Diagnosis Glomerulopati

Glomerulopati is an inflammation of the glomeruli. Glomeruli is the first part of the kidney filtration system.

There are 4 types glomerulopati:

1. Acute nephritic syndrome, occur suddenly and usually recover quickly
2. Progressive nephritic syndrome, arise suddenly and quickly worsen
3. Nephrotic syndrome, led to the loss of large amounts of protein in the urine
4. Chronic nephrotic syndrome, occur gradually and gets worse slowly, often over the years.

If the glomerulus is damaged, the substances are not filtered from the blood flow normally. Protein, blood, white blood cells and debris) can pass through the glomerulus and into the urine. A small blood clot (mikrotrombus) can form in the capillary memperdarahi glomerlus, thus reducing the amount of urine produced.

In addition, the kidneys become unable to concentrate urine, waste acid from the body or to balance the salt disposal. At first the glomerulus could mengkompensasai in part by growing larger, but this will further add to the damage so that the urine is reduced and metabolic wastes accumulate in the blood.

Kidney inflammation usually caused by infection, as occurs in pyelonephritis or sautu erroneous immune reaction and injured kidneys.

An abnormal immune reaction can occur via two ways:

1. An antibody may attack the kidney itself or an antigen (a substance that stimulates an immune reaction) attached to the kidney
2. Antigen and antibody to join in parts of the body and then attach to cells in the kidney.

The symptoms depend on the type glomerulopati happened.

Definitive diagnosis for all types glomerulopati is by renal biopsy. Taken a small piece of kidney (usually with a needle that is inserted through the skin) and diperiksan with a microscope. Urinalysis (examination of samples of urine) helps confirm the diagnosis and routine blood tests can indicate the extent of damage to kidney function. Measurement of antibody levels in blood samples to help determine the progression of the disease; if the level is high then the situation worse, if the level is low then the situation improves.

Attempts to alter the immune response by removing the antigen, antibody or a combination of both is done through plasmapheresis procedure, in which the hazardous substances disposed of in the blood. To suppress the immune reaction given anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs (suppressing the immune system) such as corticosteroids, azathioprine and cyclophosphamide. In some cases, given drugs that prevent blood clots. If possible, be given specific treatment for the underlying disease; such as giving antibiotics to overcome an infection.

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